Thursday, June 12, 2014

Earth Day Events


"Environmental Concerns." Environmental Effects. International Whaling Comission, 2014. Web. 09 June 2014. <>.

Recently whales are being threatened by people and even silent, tiny killers. Populations are decreasing at a pretty fast rate due to whaling for the whales blubber and oil. Not only that, the climate change is effecting the reproduction of the species as well. All of this leads back to one thing, humans. By dumping our garbage into the ocean, we are ruining the whales natural habitat along with thousands of millions of other different species living quarters.

Wallace, Scott. "Amazon Rain Forest, Deforestation, Forest Conservation - National Geographic Magazine." National Geographic. National Geographic Society., 1996-2014. Web. 11 June 2014. <>.\

 The Amazon rainforest is currently being destroyed at this moment. Thousands of trees are being cut down in order to build new houses and factories. With millions of animals dwelling inside the rainforest, there is nothing for them to do except run into the trees who's numbers are getting smaller and smaller. Not only that but the space they cut down are being turned into everyday highways.

"California Sea Otter Research - What's Killing California Sea Otters?" California Sea Otter Research - What's Killing California Sea Otters? The Regents of the University of California, 2009. Web. 12 June 2014. <>.

 The mountain run off and marina boat exhaust are just a few of the causes that are killing sea otters. Effects of these pollutants include nervous system damage, fetal development problems, and lowering of the immune system causing the otters to become sick and weak. As oil leaks into the ocean, the otters fur becomes drenched in the substance and effects how they regulate their body temperature.

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