Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Civil Rights Terms

741- NAACP: national association for advancement of colored people. Supported anti-segregation court cases.

742 Sit in
: a sit in is when you go to a restraunt you are segregated from and sit down refusing to leave until restraunt owners are so ashamed that they integrate it.

742 Brown v. Board of Education
: was a break through in segregated schools. They said that segregation in schools violated the 14th amendment.

744 Montgomery Bus Boycot
: Martin Luther king jr. Gets everyone to ire the bus. Eventually buses are going so broke that they have to desegregate them.

744 MLK Jr.
:  united the African Americans and led them to peaceful protests.

749 Sit in
: sit in they had the NAACP  sponsor a group of kids to go into cracka schools and sit down until they were desegregated.

750 Freedom Riders:wanted non segregated bus station turminals.

754 I have a dream
: Martin Luther's speech that empelled African Americans to revolt.

755  Civil Rights Act of 1964
: gave the federal government broad power to prevent racial discrimination in a number of areas. Made segregation illegal  and gave colored people equal access to such facilities as restraunts, parks, libraries and theaters. Forced school desegregation and told job owners to no descriminate. Helped establish the EEOC which banned discrimination by race, religion, gender, and national origin.

756 Voting rights act of 1965
: authorized the attorney general to send federal examiners to register qualified voters, bypassing local officials who often refused to register African Americans. Black people could now vote.

761 Malcolm X
:(1960's) a man who became a symbol of he black power movement that was sweeping the nation.

762 Black Panthers
: a  group of black leadership hat wanted to empower the black revolution to give rights by giving people guns/arms.

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