Friday, June 6, 2014


What is the goal of containment? Keeping communism within the present territory through the use of diplomatic, economic, and military actions.

How is GREECE the first battlefront in the cold war? The United States supported turkey, but Britain tried to help Greece. On august 1946, Greek communists launched a guerrilla attack against the Greek government.(strained Britain's economy because it was already suffering from the war)

What is the Marshall plan? Secretary of State George C. Marshall made the European recovery plan or "Marshall plan, which would give Europeans nations American aid to rebuild their economy.
What is the Berlin Airlift? There was a blockage made by Stalin to prevent help to Berlin, but Stalin raised it and Americans could once again bring food, medicine and coal to all the citizens.

What is NATO? Both the public and congress began to support a military alliance with Western Europe and in 1949 created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)- a mutual defense alliance.(America, Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland)

What happened in China? A civil war broke out in china between Korea and China that forced American to get involved so that a communist revolution in Asia wouldn't happen. Victorious communist established the "people's republic of china"(1949)

Make a 5 step timeline in Korean War.
1. (June 25, 1950) North Korean troops invaded into the south, rapidly driving back the poorly equipped South Korean forces.
2. (September 15, 1950) MacArthur ordered a darling invasion behind enemy lines at the port of Inchon.
3. (April 1951) turfmen fired MacArthur for insubordination.
4. (November 1951) peace negotiations began.
5. (1953) armistice was signed.

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