Tuesday, May 13, 2014


What was the goal for Roosevelt after the war?  What were Soviet goals about Germany? The soviets wanted to keep Germany weak and make sure that the countries between Germany and and the Soviet Union were under soviet control. President Roosevelt  hoped that the victory over axis and the United Nations would lead to a more peaceful world.

What did FDR think was 'key' to world peace?
Franklin Roosevelt believed the key to world peace was to create economic growth and wanted to increase world trade.

What was 'declaration of liberated europe, and how successful was it?' It asserted "the right of all people to choose the form of government under which they live." It led to conflict and eventually just was looked over.

How was Germany to be controlled? The conference agreed to divide Germany into four zones: United States, Soviet Union, France, and Great Britain. They also would divide the city of Berlin.

What was Truman's view about how to deal with USSR?

He believed that we should fight back and not make the same mistake Britain did with hitler.

What is a satellite nation? The communist countries of Eastern Europe. They had to remain friendly to the Soviet Union even though they were not under their control AND remain communist.

What is an 'iron curtain'? Was the seperation of communist nations  of Eastern Europe from the west.

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