Friday, May 9, 2014


Nimitz- commander of the navy in the pacific (purl harbor)

MacArthur- the commander of the forces in the Phillipines. (Dug out dug=hung out at base while his soldiers fought)

Bataan- fighting for the Phillipines and 70 or more soldiers captured (battle)

Doolittle raid- when 16 planes were unloaded and brought over Tokyo where they dropped bombs. (Returned to China after bombing) only 8 died out of like 60 and some captured.

Coral sea- (battle) Japanese wanted to take over the Portuguese but America broke the code and stopped them (met and attacked them)

Midway- after purl harbor. America knew they were coming so we attacked them.

Erwin Rommel- desert fox!

Kassarine pass-British vs. German.

Patton- general, brilliant strategist and gets America ready for war.

Casa Blanca- meeting between FDR and Churchill. Want to invade the beaches in France and attack Italy.

Convoy system- cargo ships traveled as a group to protect itself from submarines.

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