Friday, September 27, 2013

Harriet Tubman

          The underground railroad was a very big deal back during the civil war era. Thousands of slaves flocked to those grounds to find safety and freedom from their cruel owners that treated them as nothing. One special women by the name Harriet Tubman was probably one of the most well known "conductors" and actually made 19 trips to the south and picked up over 300 in-slaved African Americans. She later pointed out that during all her trips to the south, she "never lost a single passenger." Harriet Tubman can easily relate to all the poor workers because she in-fact was one as a young child.
          At a very young age of six or seven, Harriet began to work as a house servant when eventually a couple more years later she was sent to work in the fields. One day while Harriet was working on the crops she saw another field hand being abused;so she went over and blocked a two pound weight he was holding but the weight slipped and she hit her head. This caused spells of very deep sleep during some nights. In 1849, Harriet  had enough and was scared to be sold away to someone way crueler so she made a vow to herself she would eventually run away. during the night Harriet ran on foot, following the north star as guidance. She later came back to rescue her brother,two other men, and her husband. Only then did she notice that others needed help and so she started the underground railway, a network of trails that led from the south to the north. She was very clever and had a really good way of not being seen. Later on during the civil war she worked for the union as a cook, a nurse and even a spy. Later on after the war had stopped, Harriet Tubman died in 1913 in Auburn New York.
          Harriet Tubman was an inspiration to a lot of people and brought freedom to thousands of African Americans. Her work and dedication was used to write books and even used to make videos and documentaries. She was taught to stick up for others and treat them how she wanted to be treated and because of that, she is one of the most well known people/conductors that had to do with the underground railroad and freeing slaves.

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